• Engaging with Key Senate Offices - FABBS Advocacy Resources. February  27 @ 11 AM ET. We need your help in reaching key Senate offices to emphasize the importance of NIH, NSF, and IES in supporting health, education, and economic growth. Each week, we are holding meetings for target states. These meetings will provide insights on your Senators, access to key legislative contacts, and resources for developing personalized talking points.  Kansas – Thursday, February 27 @ 11 AM ET (Register)
  • Sign On to Support Full Funding for AHRQ in FY. Deadline: February 27. The Friends of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) are circulating a letter urging Congress to fully fund AHRQ at $500 million in FY26. AHRQ plays a crucial role in improving healthcare access, quality, and outcomes through health services and primary care research. Click to sign on to the letter.
  • RFI for the NIH Disability Research Strategic Plan. Deadline March 12. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is developing the NIH Strategic Plan for Disability Health Research (FY26-FY30) and is seeking input on its draft framework. This Request for Information (RFI) invites feedback from the research community to help shape the plan. For inquiries, email disabilityhealthresearch@nih.gov. View the complete RFI here.
  • ORCA Open Scholarship Catalytic Awards Program. Deadline: March 15. The Open Research Community Accelerator (ORCA), with generous support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, is excited to launch the Open Scholarship Catalytic Awards Program. This program provides grants of up to $15,000 per project to advance open scholarship practices at U.S.-based non-R1, minority-serving, and under-resourced institutions. Click to register for the informational webinar. Click to learn more and apply.
  • FABBS Accepting Nominations for Student Awards - Deadline March 28. FABBS is now accepting nominations for its Doctoral Dissertation Research Excellence Awards and Undergraduate Research Excellence Awards, which honor student investigators whose research demonstrates exceptional quality and meaningful impact on society. Don’t miss the chance to recognize outstanding student contributions to the behavioral and brain sciences. Click here for more information and how to nominate.
  • Knowledge acquisition and transformation (KAT) is a text structure based framework with strong empirical evidence. Accumulating evidence continues to show that KAT helps children to select important ideas, encode strategic memory, generate main ideas, extend the main idea to summaries, and extrapolate inferences. The Literacy.IO team at Texas A&M University has prepared an asynchronous web-based professional development system to bring this intervention to a geographically dispersed audience worldwide. Through multiple grants from the US Department of Education, we are presenting this resource to all SSSR members at no cost. Please sign up and complete the eight-hour PD to learn more about transforming comprehension for all learners (e.g., Special Education, Bilingual Learners, Dyslexic Children). Register here.
