Updated: 28 October, 2024
ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (known herein as SSSR).
Section 2: It is planned for SSSR to be incorporated as a non-profit, educational corporation under the laws of the State of Missouri. The Society is organized exclusively under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 3: SSSR is an international society dedicated to the scientific study of reading and related areas, including language, spelling, writing, and literacy, across cultures, languages, and writing systems. The purposes of SSSR shall be to promote the scientific study of reading and related areas and to disseminate information about reading and related areas.
Section 4: Neither the name of, nor membership in, SSSR shall be used to promote personal benefit, outside of standard professional recognition and practices such as listing membership or service roles on vita, CV, or resume.
ARTICLE II: Membership
Section 1: Membership comprises three categories: active, voting, and student.
Section 2: Active members shall be persons interested in promoting the purpose of SSSR and who pay annual dues. Anyone interested in becoming a member may do so by signing up with the Society and paying the annual dues.
Section 3: Active members may apply for voting status. To achieve voting status, an active member must have achieved a standard of excellence as a scientist conducting empirical research in the field of reading and related areas. The Membership and Engagement Committee (see Article VI) shall review applications and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors (see Article III) shall make the final decisions regarding who shall receive voting member status.
Section 4: Student members shall be undergraduate or graduate students (full or part-time) or postdoctoral researchers in fields related to the scientific study of reading and related areas who are interested in promoting the purposes of SSSR and who pay annual dues. The Board may request that applications and renewals for student membership be accompanied by evidence of status as a student or postdoctoral researcher (e.g., by a certifying signature from a supervisor; letter noting award of a postdoctoral fellowship or appointment).
Section 5: All members of the Society shall agree to abide by policies established by the Board of Directors, including the Code of Conduct. Members who do not abide by the policies may be removed from the Society, with or without cause, at any time by a vote of at least three quarters of the members of the Board of Directors. The majority vote, either for or against removal, will determine if the member is removed. It is expected that cause will be provided to justify removal. In general terms, cause means (a) failure to meet qualifications for membership as detailed in the Society’s bylaws and handbook; (b) violations of the Society’s bylaws, handbook, and Code of Conduct; or (c) unethical or unlawful behavior that would impact the Society’s ability to conduct business as detailed in its bylaws and handbook; however, other indicators of cause may be reviewed. Substantive, credible, and reliable evidence of cause should be submitted to the Board of Directors for review and consideration prior to a vote on removal. If removal is affirmed, membership will be revoked; dues and fees will not be refunded. The Society’s policies shall be communicated to the membership by the Secretary through official communication channels (e.g., website, annual membership meeting, email listserv), in consultation with the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE III: Board of Directors
Section 1: The Society shall be governed by a Board of Directors that provides general supervision of the Society, subject to provisions detailed in the articles of the bylaws. A subgroup of the Board of Directors shall serve as members of an Executive Committee to provide strategic leadership and oversight on the Society’s business affairs (see Article IV and Article VI). The Board of Directors shall be empowered to hold and administer all property and funds and to direct the affairs of the organization. The Board of Directors shall maintain an SSSR Policy and Procedures Handbook which shall be reviewed and updated annually by the Past President.
Section 2: The Board of Directors shall consist of (a) five elected officers (President, President Elect, Vice President, Past President, and Secretary); (b) one appointed member (Treasurer, who must reside in the United States as a US citizen or permanent resident); (c) Chairs of the Society’s standing committees not already represented by elected or appointed officers (see Article IV and VI), and (d) three additional At Large Directors elected by the voting members. At Large Directors shall each serve a three-year staggered term of office, with one ordinarily being elected each year. All members of the Board of Directors must be voting members. The President shall serve as Chair of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
Section 3: At Large Directors are full members of the Board of Directors, with the same voting rights as other members of the board but a flexible assignment of duties at the discretion of the President. At Large Directors do not have a defined position on the board, allowing them to be available to lead strategic tasks, address unexpected or urgent matters, and contribute unique expertise and experience—thereby ensuring that the Board of Directors is both nimble in its way of work and considers broad, diverse perspectives on matters of the Society. In addition, At Large Directors provide input and guidance on matters of the Society, attend board and member meetings, participate in the annual conference, and serve on the Society’s standing committees, often as the committee chair.
Section 4: The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a year, normally at the time and place of the annual meeting. Additional meetings may be held at the call of the President or upon the written request of any members of the Board of Directors. The time and place of additional meetings shall be determined by the President, or by the group calling the meeting, so long as all members of the Board of Directors are given reasonable notice of the meeting. Members of the Board of Directors are authorized to use other means of communication to conduct necessary business of SSSR.
Section 5: All meetings of the Board of Directors are open to SSSR members, except in particular situations when ethical or other personnel matters are to be discussed. In such cases, the Board of Directors may move into closed session, and results of these actions, will be reported to the membership in general terms only. The Secretary shall ensure the storage and maintenance of a full set of minutes of all sessions, including closed sessions. The minutes of the closed sessions will be available for inspection by any member of the Board of Directors.
Section 6: A quorum shall consist of at least four members of the Board of Directors, two of whom shall be elected officers.
Section 7: Unless and until filled by election or appointment by the President, any vacancy in the Board of Directors, however occurring (e.g., by death, resignation, removal), may be filled by appointment by the remaining Board of Directors and in accordance with the bylaws (see Article IV). Any member of the Board of Directors who is selected or appointed to fill a vacancy shall remain in the position for the unexpired term. Any member of the Board of Directors may resign from office at any time by delivering a letter of resignation to the President. Resignation letters shall be certified by the Secretary and shall denote a specific date upon which the resignation shall take effect.
ARTICLE IV: Officers
Section 1: The elected officers shall be President, President Elect, Vice President, Past President, and Secretary. The appointed officers shall be the Treasurer and chairs of the Society’s standing committees not already represented by elected officers.
Section 2: The elected officers shall serve for a term of two years. The Past President, President, President Elect, and Vice President serve in successive two-year terms, such that each serves for a term of eight consecutive years when elected. An exception is the Secretary who is elected to serve for a term of three years. Terms begin on January 1 and end on December 31 of the applicable calendar years. Elected officers may not be reappointed, but can be reelected to serve one additional term. Elected officers may not serve in the same position for more than two consecutive terms.
Section 3: The appointed officers shall be named by the President with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors for a term of three years. Terms begin on January 1 and end on December 31 of the applicable calendar years. Appointed officers may be reappointed and can serve one additional term. Appointed officers may not serve in the same position for more than two consecutive terms.
Section 4. Elected and appointed officers may be removed from office, with or without cause, at any time by a vote of at least three quarters of the members of the Board of Directors. The majority vote, either for or against removal, will determine if the officer is removed. It is expected that cause will be provided to justify removal. In general terms, cause means (a) failure to meet qualifications or duties for the position as detailed in the Society’s bylaws and handbook; (b) violations of the Society’s bylaws, handbook, and Code of Conduct; or (c) unethical or unlawful behavior that would impact the Society’s ability to conduct business as detailed in its bylaws and handbook; however, other indicators of cause may be reviewed. Substantive, credible, and reliable evidence of cause should be submitted to the Board of Directors for review and consideration prior to a vote on removal. If removal is affirmed, vacancies will be filled in accordance with procedures detailed in these bylaws.
Section 5: As an elected officer, the President shall act as the chief executive officer, chairing meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and exercising general leadership and supervision over the affairs of the organization in implementing its purpose. The President shall be responsible for approving and signing all contracts and other instruments of SSSR and, with support of the Treasurer, authorizing the disbursement of funds in accordance with the annual budget. The President shall fulfill other duties as directed by the Board of Directors and shall assume the duties of any vacant office, until such time as the office is filled. At the expiration of the term of office, the President shall automatically become Past President. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 6: As an elected officer, the President Elect shall co-chair the Conference Committee (see Article VI), serve on the Executive Committee, and fulfill other duties as directed by the Board of Directors. In the absence of the President, the President Elect shall perform the duties of the President at any meeting of the members or of the Board of Directors. At the expiration of the term of office, the President Elect shall automatically become President. In the event that the office of the President becomes vacant, the President Elect shall immediately become President and serve the unexpired portion of that term, thereafter succeeding to the office of Past President. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 7: As an elected officer, the Vice President shall co-chair the Conference Committee (see Article VI), serve on the Executive Committee, and fulfill other duties as directed by the Board of Directors. In the absence of the President Elect, the Vice President shall assume and perform the duties of the President Elect. At the expiration of the term of office, the Vice President shall automatically become the President Elect. In the event that the office of the President Elect becomes vacant, the Vice President shall immediately become President Elect and serve the unexpired portion of that term, thereafter succeeding to the office of President. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 8: As an elected officer, the Past President shall serve as liaison officer between SSSR and other professional organizations or government bodies, review the SSSR Policy and Procedures Handbook annually, serve on the Executive Committee, and review the bylaws and handbook annually to ensure healthy functioning of the Society. The Past President shall also serve on the Executive Committee and fulfill other duties as directed by the Board of Directors. In the event that the office of the Past President becomes vacant, the President shall take on those duties and work with the Board of Directors to meet all duties for the unexpired portion of that term. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 9: As an elected officer, the Secretary shall perform and oversee duties necessary for the maintenance of records and correspondence of SSSR. These duties include, but are not limited to, ensuring the recording of an accurate record of discussions and actions taken at meetings of the members, the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors; overseeing the election and appointment process; and keeping abreast of and informing the Board of Directors of any necessary actions relative to incorporation, the Bylaws, and the Policy and Procedures Handbook. The Secretary shall ensure the society has archival copies of the program from the annual meetings, the minutes of all Board meetings, and copies of incorporation records, Bylaws, and the Policy and Procedures Handbook. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties. The Secretary shall also serve on the Executive Committee and fulfill other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.
Section 10: As an appointed officer, the Treasurer shall ensure the maintenance of all fiscal records and reports, oversee the custody of all SSSR funds and receipt of all dues and other monies owed to SSSR, authorize the disbursement of funds in accordance with the annual budget approved by the Board of Directors, and cooperate with the Executive Committee in preparing the annual budget. The Treasurer shall also chair the Financial Advisory Committee (see Article VI). Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties. The Treasurer shall also serve on the Executive Committee and fulfill other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.
Section 11: As an appointed officer, the Chair of the Publications and Dissemination Committee (see Article VI) shall be responsible for collaborating with the Editor to support activities related to the journal for the Society (called Scientific Studies of Reading), developing and implementing activities to support the awareness, knowledge, and use of reading and reading-related research, and fulfilling other duties as directed by the Board of Directors. The Publications and Dissemination Committee Chair will also support active use of the Society’s website and social media accounts to promote dissemination activities. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 12: As an appointed officer, the Chair of the Membership and Engagement Committee (see Article VI) shall be responsible for maintaining a list of active, voting, and student members of the Society, developing and implementing programming to promote member engagement, recruiting new members, and fulfilling other duties as directed by the Board of Director. The Membership and Engagement Committee Chair shall also be responsible for promoting international participation in the Society and advocating for hosting a periodic meeting held outside North America and Europe. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 13: As an appointed officer, the Chair of the Awards Committee (see Article VI) shall be responsible for soliciting nominees, receiving and reviewing nominations, and announcing awards given by the Society, and fulfilling other duties as directed by the Board of Directors. The Awards Committee Chair shall also be responsible for ensuring an accurate listing of awardees is provided on the website and for promoting awards and awardees on the Society’s social media outlets. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 14: The Board of Directors may seek administrative staff support to attend to the affairs of the Society as described in these bylaws. Permanence and number of staff, as well as cost, hiring, supervision, hours of employment, location of employment, and other human resources issues, shall be determined by the President in consultation with the Board of Directors. Potential staff duties are detailed throughout the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Handbook.
ARTICLE V: Elections
Section 1: The Membership and Engagement Committee (see Article VI) shall seek nominations for open elected positions within the Board of Directors. All members may submit nominations. Only voting members will be considered for nomination to an elected position or appointment to Treasurer. Committee membership may only include active and voting members of the Society (see Article II). Administrative staff support may be secured to support electoral process described in these bylaws.
Section 2: The Membership and Engagement Committee shall use various forms of communication to solicit nominations from the membership, including requesting nominations from current and former officers and committee members; posting requests for nominations on the Society’s membership listserv, website, and social media platforms; and communicating directly with members to inquire about interest in serving on behalf of the Society. The Membership and Engagement Committee is encouraged to solicit nominations in a manner that promotes diversity among the nominees that is reflective of the Society. Specifically, in addition to voting and active membership in the Society, the Committee might consider whether nominees: (a) regularly attend the SSSR annual conference; (b) demonstrate competencies, experiences, and/or expertise consistent with the work of the position; (c) have served on the SSSR Board of Directors or Standing Committees, and (d) diversify the current representation of the SSSR Board of Directors or Standing Committee by contributing professional and personal experiences that vary by academic and professional ranks (e.g., early career, mid-career, or senior scholars), race, ethnicity, gender, language, disability, country of origin, and areas of research interest).
The nomination process will remain open for a specified time period, typically not less than 7 days. Nominations must be received in writing and delivered to the Chair of the Membership and Engagement Committee by email or through a secure online survey. Only nominations received in writing before the deadline stated shall be included for consideration.
Section 3. Having sought advice and recommendations from the membership in general and the Board of Directors in particular, the Chair of the Membership and Engagement Committee shall prepare, prior to the annual meeting, a list of nominations for each position to be filled and report the process for soliciting nominations. The nomination list will be delivered to the Secretary, who will confirm that all nominees are active members of the Society and therefore eligible to hold office. The final nomination list will be certified by the Board of Directors.
Section 4: Upon receipt of a certified nomination list, the Membership and Engagement Committee will secure written approval of each nominated individual to participate in the election, provide a brief 2 page vita, CV, or resume, a brief statement of interest in the position (~250 words), and serve in the position for the required term if elected.
Section 5: Election ballots listing the names of all properly nominated persons accompanied by a brief 2 page vita, CV or resume for each nominee shall be delivered by email or through a secure online voting survey to all voting members, before the annual meeting (if possible). The ballot shall include a deadline for its return to a designated email address or secure online voting survey platform that is monitored by the Secretary.
Section 6: Voting shall be conducted by email or online survey. In the latter case, voting will be conducted through a secure online platform compliant with data protection regulations. Only ballots received before the deadline stated on the ballot shall be counted. If possible, the voting will end before the annual meeting.
Section 7: The Secretary shall be responsible for the counting of ballots. The Secretary, and at least two other members of the Board of Directors, shall certify the results to the President who shall report the results to the membership, ordinarily at the annual meeting. Positions of elected officers shall be determined using the single transferrable vote method (also referred to as ranked choice voting) with the Hare or Droop quota (see description in the Policy and Procedures Handbook). In the event that the Secretary runs for election, the President will step in to count the ballots and certify the results of the election, along with two other members of the Board of Directors.
Section 8: Elections shall take place during the calendar year preceding the January 1 date that elected officers shall take office.
ARTICLE VI: Committees
Section 1: The Chair of each committee shall be appointed by the President, shall serve for the term for three years, and may be reappointed in the same position for up to two consecutive terms (Article IV). Members of committees shall be appointed by the President with the advice of the Board of Directors. Committee members shall serve for the term of three years and may be reappointed in the same position for up to two consecutive terms, unless otherwise specified at the time of appointment. Vacancies on committees shall be filled by the President as they arise with advice of the Committee Chairs and Board of Directors. Administrative staff support may be secured to support committee appointment process described in these bylaws.
Section 2: The Membership and Engagement Committee (see Article VI) shall solicit and receive inquiries for open committee chair and committee membership positions. Only inquiries from members interested in serving in the position will be accepted—nominations will not be accepted. In stating interest in the open position, the member is providing their intent to serve in the position for the required term if appointed. Committee membership may only include active and voting members of the Society (see Article II). Only voting members will be considered for nomination to Committee Chair position.
The Membership and Engagement Committee shall use various forms of communication to solicit inquiries from the membership, including requesting inquiries from current and former officers and committee members; posting requests for inquiries on the Society’s membership listserv, website, and social media platforms and communicating directly with members to inquire about interest in serving on behalf of the Society. The Membership and Engagement Committee is encouraged to solicit inquiries in a manner that promotes diversity among members that is reflective of the Society. Specifically, in addition to active membership in the Society, in seeking new committee chairs and committee members: the Committee might consider whether members (a) regularly attend the SSSR annual conference; (b) demonstrate competencies, experiences, and/or expertise consistent with the work of the committee; (c) have served on the SSSR Board of Directors or Standing Committees, and (d) diversify the current representation of the SSSR Board of Directors or Standing Committee by contributing professional and personal experiences that vary by academic and professional ranks (e.g., early career, mid-career, or senior scholars), race, ethnicity, gender, language, disability, country of origin, and areas of research interest.
The inquiry process will remain open for a specified time period, typically not less than 7 days. Inquiries must be received in writing and delivered to the Chair of the Membership and Engagement Committee by email or through a secure online survey. Only inquiries received in writing before the deadline stated shall be considered.
Section 3: Having received inquiries, the Chair of the Membership and Engagement Committee shall prepare, prior to the annual meeting, a list of members who have stated interest in serving for each position to be filled. The list will be delivered to the President, who will confirm that all nominees are active members of the Society and therefore eligible to serve on committees. The final list will be certified by the Board of Directors.
Section 4: The President, with the advice of the Board of Directors, will review and appoint committee chairs and committee members from the list of inquiries, before the annual meeting (if possible). The President shall report committee chairs and committee membership, ordinarily at the annual meeting. The appointment process shall take place during the calendar year preceding the January 1 date on which committee members begin their term.
Section 5: The Conference Committee shall be responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing current and upcoming Annual Conference Meetings of the Society. The committee shall be co-chaired by the President Elect and Vice President of the Society who shall lead and support administrative and programmatic activities related to planning for and carrying out a successful conference before, during, and after the conference, including identifying a location for the conference; securing hotel and event space; soliciting and reviewing proposals for presentations; organizing the program agenda; responding to general queries about the conference; and negotiating necessary agreements. All arrangements are subject to the final approval of the Board of Directors and contracts regarding conference bookings must be signed by the President. In general, it is expected that the Vice President shall lead duties related to the execution of the current and next annual conference (e.g., the 2024 and 2025 conferences), while the President Elect shall lead duties related to the execution of the next two annual conferences (e.g., the 2026 and 2027 conferences). However, it is expected that both the Vice President and President Elect will support activities for the Annual Conference while in their term.
The Conference Committee shall be comprised of three subcommittees that are organized and directed by the co-chairs of the Conference Committee: (a) Conference Program Committee, (b) Pre-Conference Committee, and (c) Local Organizing Committee. The Program Committee shall have primary responsibility for organizing the program, including soliciting and reviewing proposals for presentation at the meeting, organizing the program agenda, and collaborating with other Board of Directors and other Committees to support events at the meeting (e.g., Business Meeting; Awards Ceremony; Breakfast with a Researcher; Addresses). The Pre-Conference Committee shall have primary responsibility for organizing the pre-conference event for early career scholars, including identifying a topic, securing training providers, and registering participants. The Local Organizing Committee shall have primary responsibility for organizing and managing operations at the meeting site, including liaising with the hotel, event space, and other local vendors, arranging for materials and resources for conference attendees, and recruiting volunteers to support activities.
Section 6: The Awards Committee shall be responsible for promoting, celebrating, and stewarding awards given to members of the Society. The committee shall solicit, receive, and review nomination packets; establish and implement procedures to ensure that the nominee pool is diverse and representative of the interests and values of the membership; collaborate with the President and Board of Directors to secure board approval of winners; liaise with awardees and Treasurer to ensure appropriate acceptance and issuance of awards; announce awardees at the annual meeting; collaborate with the Conference Committee to ensure relevant awardee speeches (e.g., Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award; Carol Connor Mid-Career Award) are present in the annual meeting agenda; and collaborate with the Secretary to ensure appropriate and accurate documentation of awardees in the Society’s records. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 7: The Publications and Dissemination Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the publication and dissemination activities of the Society. Editors of authorized SSSR publications shall serve as non-voting members of the committee. The committee shall promote the journal for the Society, called Scientific Studies of Reading and any of its publications; promote the submission of articles to the journal; promote subscriptions to the journal, including libraries; solicit, receive, and review nominations for new editors for SSSR publications and make recommendations to the Board of Directors; collaborate with the Editor to conduct periodic evaluations of SSSR publications; facilitate the work of the editors of SSSR publications (e.g., review proposals for special issue submission packets). The committee shall also be responsible for developing and disseminating internationally available, multilingual content and media to researchers, families, caregivers, educators, practitioners, and other professionals and stakeholders to improve knowledge, awareness, and use of evidence-based and evidence-informed strategies, practices, and resources about reading and related areas such as language and literacy (e.g., website, social media, infographics, webinars, events). The committee may use various forms of engagement and may create new content or leverage existing content. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 8: The Membership and Engagement Committee shall be responsible for promoting active and appropriate engagement of members of the Society. One primary function of the committee will be to make decisions regarding the conferral of voting status in SSSR. It will submit its criteria for voting status to the Board for its approval; the Board may review and change these criteria at any time. The committee will be responsible for informing members about criteria and about the form of applications. Each year, on a continuing basis, the committee will review applicants and make recommendations to the Board, who will make the final decision regarding each application for voting status. In addition, the Membership and Engagement Committee shall maintain a list of voting, active, and student members; provide outreach to potential members; recruit new members; promote international participation and engagement in the Society; create, plan, organize, and manage in-person and virtual programming to support member engagement that is representative of the diversity of the Society; ensure an accurate accounting of all members on the Society’s listserv and membership list on the website; and collaborate with the Publications and Dissemination Committee to support active engagement on the Society’s listserv, website, and social media platforms and active participation in the Society’s events. The committee shall also provide oversight of the Society’s Code of Conduct, as detailed in the Policy and Procedures Handbook. The committee will advise the President and Board of Directors on matters related to the Code of Conduct, including receiving and reviewing confidential complaints, advising the President on actions to resolve complaints, recommending changes to the Code of Conduct, and identifying opportunities to improve the Society’s capacity to provide a safe, inclusive, and generally healthy environment. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 9: The Financial Advisory Committee shall provide nonbinding advice to the Board of Directors and oversight of the financial well-being of SSSR, including emergency funds, savings, and investments. It will be composed of three voting members, including the Treasurer as Chair of the committee, and possible non-voting professional financial advisor(s). The second and third voting members and the advisor(s) are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors. The committee shall make recommendations regarding short- and long-term financial matters and shall provide oversight of investments to the Board of Directors, who will make final decisions. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 10: The Executive Committee shall provide leadership on the strategic direction of the Society and be responsible for providing oversight on all matters related to governance, policy, procedural, and fiscal matters of the Society. It will be comprised of the Society’s elected officers (the President, President Elect, Vice President, Past President, Secretary) and the Treasurer. The committee shall ensure that the Society’s activities are aligned with the Society’s stated purpose; review and revise bylaws, policies, and procedures to protect the integrity of the Society’s fiscal and human resources and organizational effectiveness; consider and take appropriate action on matters related to the Society’s Code of Conduct; and ensure adherence to the Society’s bylaws, policies, and procedures to maintain a sustainable and healthy organization. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 11: Ad hoc committees may be established and their members appointed by the President, with the advice of the Board of Directors, for special purposes and shall serve for such time as is specified at the time of appointment. Administrative staff support may be secured to support these duties.
Section 1: The Board of Directors shall have the power to allocate funds to carry out the purposes of the organization.
Section 2: All receipts and disbursements shall be made through accounts authorized by the Board of Directors. The President shall be responsible for authorizing the disbursement of funds in accordance with the annual budget. The President can delegate this responsibility to the Treasurer.
Section 3: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for adopting an annual budget; the Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing the budget for the Board's consideration.
Section 4: Membership dues, subscription rates, and conference fees shall be established by the Board of Directors.
Section 5: The membership year shall run from January 1 to December 31. Members are expected to pay their dues during the last quarter prior to the beginning of the membership year. Members who fail to pay their dues by February 15 of a membership year may lose active membership status. Voting members who fail to pay their dues by February 15 of a membership year do not lose voting membership status but may lose active membership status. Reminders to renew membership shall be communicated to the membership through official communication channels (e.g., website, annual membership meeting, email listserv).
Section 6: The fiscal year shall run from January 1 through December 31, or as otherwise determined by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE VIII: Indemnification
Section 1: SSSR will indemnify any officer or director, former officer or director, or any agent or employee of SSSR against expenses actually and necessarily incurred in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceedings in which the defendant, having acted in the best interests of SSSR, is made a party by reason of being or having been an officer, director, agent, or employee of SSSR.
ARTICLE IX: Meetings
Section 1: The Annual Conference shall be held at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors. The Annual Business Meeting of the members shall be held during the Annual Conference at such time and place as shall be listed in the official program.
Section 2: Additional General Membership meetings may be called by the majority of the Board of Directors.
Section 3: The Program of the Annual Conference shall serve as official notification of the Annual Business Meeting and no notification other than the distribution of the program to the full membership list will be given. In the case of additional General Membership Meetings, a written notice stating the date, time, and location of the meeting and indicating the purpose(s) for which the meeting is being called shall be distributed through official communication channels (e.g., website, email listserv) to the full membership list no fewer than thirty days before the date of such meeting.
Section 4: Ten members or ten percent of the active members, whichever is fewer, shall constitute a quorum at any Business Meeting or additional General Membership Meeting of the members.
Section 5: The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order ( shall govern the conduct of all official meetings, including the Business Meeting and General Membership Meetings.
Section 6: The Society and its members abide by a code of conduct. SSSR is committed to providing a safe and productive meeting environment that fosters open dialogue and the exchange of scientific ideas, promotes equal opportunities and treatment for all participants, and is free of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. SSSR will expect all participants of SSSR meetings to follow the guidelines set out in the Code of Conduct in the Policy and Procedures Handbook. Concerns about any incident should be brought immediately to the President of SSSR, who will consult with the Membership and Engagement Committee and Executive Committee to determine next steps.
ARTICLE X: Amendments
Section 1: Substantive (i.e., non-clerical) amendments to these Bylaws may be made to ensure the purpose of the Society is attained. Amendments may be initiated in two ways. First, the Board of Directors may formulate amendments and submit them, with any arguments it chooses, to the voting members for action by ballot. Second, any ten percent of the voting members, as sponsors, may submit to the Board of Directors proposed amendments in writing and signed by the sponsors, along with any arguments they choose. The Board of Directors shall then submit the proposed amendments, with the arguments developed by the sponsors, along with any recommendations and arguments it chooses, to the voting members for action by ballot. Administrative staff support may be secured to support the amendment process described in these bylaws.
Section 2: Amendments may be adopted by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of voting members who have returned ballots within the prescribed time. Proposed amendments must be distributed through official communication (e.g., email listserv, website, secure online voting survey) to voting members at least 7 days prior to the vote. Amendments may be adopted by voting on ballots distributed by email or through a secure online voting survey to all the voting members and returned to the Secretary. The ballot shall include a deadline for its return to a designated email address or secure online voting survey platform that is monitored by the Secretary. Only ballots received before the deadline stated on the ballot shall be counted. The Secretary shall be responsible for the counting of ballots. The Secretary and at least two other members of the Board of Directors shall certify the results to the Board of Directors. Amendments shall be adopted if at least two-thirds of the ballots returned within the prescribed time are affirmative.
Section 3: Amendments to these Bylaws become effective upon adoption unless otherwise specified. Amendments which might affect the Articles of Incorporation become effective only upon issuance of a Certificate of Amendment from the Recorder of Deeds or other proper authority.