Submission Process

We are using a new submission system this year, run by ExOrdo.

Go to this link: 
You will need to set up an account when first using the system.


Instructions for a symposium

The organizer of the symposium should upload all papers. For each symposium, you need to input information for 6 papers, separately: (1) the overview of the symposium, and (2) the 5 papers for the symposium. Note that the 5th paper in the symposium can be a discussant. 

To upload the details of your symposium, select Start a new submission. [Note you will have to enter each paper in the symposium as a separate submission.


Inputting the overview of your symposium: treat this as a paper submission

  • Step 1, Track, select symposia
  • Step 2, Format, select oral
  • Step 3, Title and Abstract, input the title and a 250 word (max) abstract.

Title. For the symposium overview, input the title in this format: “Title of symposium: Overview”, e.g., “Reading comprehension development: Overview”.


Abstract. For the abstract, input a brief summary of the purpose of the symposium and the theoretically or applied relationship between papers.

  • Step 4, Authors, enter your details. If there is more than a single organizer, input additional organizer information using the ‘Add another author’ function.
    • Select your preferred time zone for the live moderated discussion session.
  • Step 5, Topics. Select 1 to 5 keywords for the symposium. The keywords are used for assigning submissions to reviewers and for building the final program of presentations.   

Inputting the details of each paper (either 5 papers or 4 papers plus discussant)

Click New submission

  • Step 1, Track, select symposia
  • Step 2, Format, select oral
  • Step 3, Title and Abstract, input the title and a 250 word (max) abstract.

Title - Use the following format for paper #1: Title of symposium: Title of paper (1) e.g., Reading comprehension development: The role of knowledge (1). For paper #2: Title of symposium: Title of paper (1) e.g., Reading comprehension development: The role of memory (2), etc. If you have a discussant as your fifth paper, then Reading comprehension development: Discussant (5)

Abstract - Use the following headings below for papers and just input the word ‘discussant’ for a discussant (no abstract needed):

Purpose - Concise statement of the specific purposes, questions addressed, and/or hypotheses tested.

Method - description of the design, participants, material, and analyses relevant to carrying out the study. For submissions that are not data-based, provide information concerning methods used to collect, summarize, and organize information.
Results - summary of the findings directly related to the purpose of the study.
Conclusions - statement concerning the relevance and/or implications of the findings.

  • Step 4, Authors, enter author details. If you are not the author, you will need to use the edit author function. If there is more than a single author, input additional author information using the ‘Add another author’ function (name, affiliation, email).
    • You do not need to select preferred time zone – we will use the time zone selected for the overview paper when building the schedule.
  • Step 5, Topics. Select 1 to 5 keywords for the paper.

Repeat the steps above for each paper (see notes above for the discussant).


Instructions for submission of spoken papers and interactive papers (posters)

Select Start a new submission.

  • Step 1, Track, select either Spoken Paper Sessions or Interactive Paper (Poster) Sessions
  • Step 2, Format, select oral (for spoken paper) or poster (for poster)
  • Step 3, Title and Abstract, input the title and a 250 word (max) abstract.

Purpose - concise statement of the specific purposes, questions addressed, and/or hypotheses tested.

Method - description of the design, participants, material, and analyses relevant to carrying out the study. For submissions that are not data-based, provide information concerning methods used to collect, summarize, and organize information.

Results - summary of the findings directly related to the purpose of the study.
Conclusions - statement concerning the relevance and/or implications of the findings.

  • Step 4, Authors, enter your details. If there is more than a single author, input additional author information using the ‘Add another author’ function (name, affiliation, email).
    • Select your preferred time zone for the live moderated discussion session (spoken paper session only).
  • Step 5, Topics. Select 1 to 5 keywords. The keywords are used for assigning submissions to reviewers and for building the final program of presentations.