Registration is now open for the SSSR preconference, to register, please follow this link.
The SSSR preconference will take place on the 12th of July.
The preconference is aimed at doctoral students and early career researchers.
In the morning, there will be a series of sessions on topics including how to conduct small-scale small-budget studies, writing high-quality academic papers, and planning your future work. The afternoon will focus on networking with other delegates and preparing you to get the most out of your SSSR experience.
The morning session will be geared towards those who did not attend the preconference last year. The afternoon session will be open to all doctoral students and early career researchers, including those who did attend last year. The registration form includes space to indicate whether you’d like to attend both sessions, or just the afternoon session.
The preconference is free of charge and we will do our best to accommodate all who would like to attend. However, if we are oversubscribed then places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Registration will close on May 1, 2017.
Supervisors and mentors, please pass this onto to any who are attending SSSR.
Feel free to direct any queries to Jessie Ricketts (, Devin Kearns ( and Elsje van Bergen (
See you in Halifax!
The preconference team