Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
July 18-21, 2018
Hilton Brighton Metropole
Brighton, United Kingdom
Program Chair: Robert Savage
Policy on Presenting at SSSR
SSSR has a longstanding policy of (a) expecting the first author on a paper or poster to be the presenting author and (b) allowing attendees to be the first/presenting author on one paper or poster only. Once an abstract has been submitted for review, the portal will close for any further submissions in the name of that first author. The exception to this policy is the case of discussants in symposia; a discussant may submit a paper/proposal in addition to appearing as symposium discussant. In cases where the first/presenting author of a submission accepted for the conference cannot attend the meeting, s/he has the option of registering for the conference and allowing a co-author to present the paper/poster in his/her stead. In this case, the program will reflect the name of the first author. If the first author does not register for the conference, the paper/poster will be removed from the program.
A symposium provides an opportunity to examine one topic in depth or from different perspectives. Symposium sessions are directed by one chair, with five presenters of 15 min spoken papers, each followed by audience discussion. Presenters should represent different laboratories and an international mix of contributors is encouraged.
Please note that each symposium consists of 5 presentation slots that are 20 minutes in length for a total of 100 minutes. Therefore, a symposium can consist of 4 spoken papers and a discussant or 5 spoken papers and no discussant. This is necessary to keep the timing of spoken papers within and across symposia consistent. (Note PRESENTING POLICY: A discussant in a symposia will be able to be first author on another paper or poster. However, the longstanding policy that states a first author CANNOT be a first author on any other paper or poster still remains. The new website will close submissions for you after your name has appeared as first author on any talk {symposium or standalone} or paper. Additionally, first authors will not be able present for someone who cannot attend the conference.)
(Spoken) Paper sessions
The paper sessions comprise 15-minute oral presentations of five papers, each followed by audience discussion. These should be submitted individually, and the program committee will organize them into topically coherent sessions, depending on the number of symposia and available space. If space is not available, presenters may be given the opportunity to present in interactive paper sessions. (First authors will not be able present for someone who cannot attend the conference.)
Interactive paper sessions
An interactive (poster) involves a text and graphic display of research findings in the field of reading. Interactive presentation is an excellent format for presenting your research in a way that encourages real, in-depth and stimulating discussions, both for senior and promising young researchers. This format is therefore highly recommended by the Society. (First authors cannot present for someone who will not be able attend the conference.)
Information needed to submit a paper/symposium
First Author (email address / affiliation)
Second author (First & Last Name Only)
Title of Presentation (Please use APA style for all titles. Do not capitalize the first letter of every word)
Type of paper: Spoken Paper / Interactive Paper / Symposium
Preference for participation. If program space is limited, would you be prepared to present an interactive paper (poster)? Yes / No
For spoken or interactive papers: An abstract (max = 250 words) containing the following headings:
- Purpose - concise statement of the specific purposes, questions addressed, and/or hypotheses tested.
- Method - description of the design, participants, material, and analyses relevant to carrying out the study. For non-data based submissions, provide information concerning methods used to collect, summarize, and organize information.
- Results - summary of the findings directly related to the purpose of the study.
- Conclusions - statement concerning the relevance and/or implications of the findings.
For symposium submissions only: A brief summary (max - 150 words) of the purpose of the symposium and the theoretically or applied relationship between papers. Avoid redundancy with paper abstracts. Normally, a symposium consists of 5 spoken papers (four papers plus discussant or five papers). International participation is encouraged and the majority of participants should not come from the same institution/laboratory. For each paper/discussion, the title, authors, and structured abstract (similar to what is provided with spoken/interactive papers) should be provided by the chair of the symposium in a single submission.
Willingness to chair a session? Yes/No