Dear Colleagues,
Just a few last items before our 21st annual meeting next week.
If you are making a spoken presentation, please transfer your slides to the laptops in the meeting room where your session is being held. These PC laptops are equipped with Powerpoint. Do this well in advance of your session - during breakfast or coffee break if possible. Transferring your slides to this computer will reduce transition time and ensure that all presenters receive their share of airtime - swapping out computers between talks is time-costly and is therefore discouraged. If you have used presentation software other than Powerpoint to create your slides, it is advisable to export them to Powerpoint format and test them before you arrive in Hawaii. Please look for the folder labeled with the day and the title of your session on the desktop of the computer so that the chair of your session can locate them.
- If your presentation contains unusual symbols, fonts or sound or video files, be sure you also bring these files on your memory key.
- If you are giving a poster, we advise you to bring your own pushpins. Some pins will be available, but inevitably these have gone missing by the final poster session.
We want to remind you of the welcome reception held on Wednesday evening in the courtyard from 5.00 - 7.00pm, overlapping somewhat with the first poster session at 5:30 - 7:00pm. You may pick up your name tag beginning at 3:30pm from the reception table in the outside the meeting rooms.
Looking forward to visiting with you all in the tropical breeze of glorious Hawaii - aloha!
Lesly Wade-Woolley