SSSR 2022 Preconference
This year’s SSSR preconference is back in person and will be held in Newport Beach on Wednesday July 13th 2022.
Morning session (Fiona Kyle, Susan Chambre, Jessica Logan)
Developing skills as a reading researcher
The morning session is for PhD students and ECRs. It will provide networking opportunities, a workshop on data management and it will cover the following topics:
- career trajectories for reading researchers
- how to get the most out of the SSSR conference
Data Management Workshop
About to start a data collection project and feel overwhelmed with options for how to structure your data or name your variables? Have you collected some data and now feel a bit lost for what to do next? In this workshop you will learn the principles of data management that can help guide you through these decisions. In the first part of the workshop, Jessica Logan will walk you through the principles of data management, including database design and structure, general rules for data capture (including variable names and capturing missing data), and the importance of data documentation. After an overview of these principles, we will do some hands-on practice with example scenarios. Finally, the last section of the workshop will be participant-driven; with plenty of time for questions and discussion about integrating these principles directly into your own work.
This will be followed by a lunch for ECRs/PhDs with networking opportunities.
Afternoon session (Nicole Patton Terry, Nathan Archer, Aj Torgesen, Ashley Edwards, Yaacov Petscher)
Using creative media to support the translation of reading research
The afternoon session is open to all SSSR delegates and it is hosted by the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) as part of their 20 years celebrations. It will begin with an introduction to research dissemination followed by the opportunity to attend one of two parallel workshops:
- Workshop 1 - designing infographics to increase impact
- Workshop 2 - getting started with Shiny Apps.
Afternoon Workshop 1: Increasing impact through infographics
For over 10 years, the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) has produced eye-catching and informative infographics for multiple audiences across numerous local, regional, national, and international research projects. Join Nathan Archer, Director of the Innovative Research Dissemination Lab at FCRR, as he walks you through the creation of a high-impact, stakeholder-focused infographic. Participants will gain a better understanding of how to create engaging infographics, effectively broadcast them across channels, and how to extend their use. Conceptual, practical, and technical considerations will be discussed. Please come prepared with a laptop, access to the application Canva, and research findings to disseminate.
Afternoon workshop 2: Tell your data story with Shiny
Learn how to use Shiny, a popular R package, to easily build highly interactive web applications. Using Shiny you can share your analyses as dashboards and visualizations to bring your data to life. You can even use Shiny to build your own games and assessments! Participants in this workshop will get hands-on with AJ Torgesen and Ashley Edwards in discovering the basics of Shiny by building their own web application. You’ll also improve your ability to make discoveries and communicate these visually to non-technical stakeholders. Please come prepared with a laptop and access to R and RStudio. Follow this link for download instructions or get access through the cloud by making an account at
Registration is now open for both sessions and you can register for the morning session here and for the afternoon session here .
For the morning session, places will be reserved for ECRs/PhDs.
For the afternoon, places are open to all, but ECRs/PhDs will get priority. If we are oversubscribed then places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. You will be asked which afternoon workshop you would like to attend when you register.
Please contact Fiona Kyle or Susan Chambre with any queries.