Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
Minutes of the Business Meeting

Vancouver, B.C., 8 July 2006

> Download the business meeting minutes (PDF)

This conference

Maggie Snowling, Program Chair, reported that there had been 294 submissions. 265 papers were accepted, 64 being in 13 symposia, 88 grouped into 19 themes, and 113 presented as interactive papers (posters). A reserve list had been drawn up, and only 8 of those were not eventually accommodated in the program. 8 submissions were rejected. There were 36 withdrawals since January, mainly due to illness or lack of funding. Withdrawals had reduced the number of papers in some sessions. In response to a question, Maggie observed that all of the time between the submission date and the beginning of the conference was required, so it would not be possible to delay the submission date.

Linda Siegel (Conference Coordinator) reported on the local arrangements and thanked her assistants.

Pieter Reitsma thanked Maggie and Linda on behalf of the Society.

Next conferences

The 2007 conference will be at the Corinthia Towers Hotel in Prague. Marketa Caravolas will be the local coordinator and Maggie Snowling the Program Chair.

The 2008 conference will be held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Asheville, North Carolina. Information regarding access, the site and the local area will be circulated. Hugh Catts will be the Program Chair and Don Compton will be the Conference Coordinator.


Joanna Williams, Chair of the Membership Committee announced that 11 new new voting members had been approved.

A new Board member will be elected in the Fall. Nominations for the Board position should be sent to Joanna by e-mail by September 15.

Journal: Scientific Studies of Reading

Frank Manis reported on the journal, and mentioned that there would be a special issue as #4 this year, edited by himself and Joanna Williams; this is the issue that was planned and would have been edited by Michael Pressley.

Charles Hulme reported on the first four months of his editorship, and thanked Frank for making the transition process so easy. Charles encouraged members to submit their work to Scientific Studies of Reading.

On hehalf of the Society, Pieter Reitsma thanked Frank for his work with the journal and Charles for accepting the editorship.

Bylaw changes

The previously circulated Bylaw changes were presented. The changes were approved.

Other business

There was no other business.