Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
9th July 2008, Asheville, North Carolina
> Download the board meeting minutes (PDF)
Present: Joanne Carlisle, Hugh Catts, Don Compton, Charles Hulme, Peter de Jong, John Kirby (secretary), Frank Manis, Dick Olson, Pieter Reitsma, Maggie Snowling (chair)
Apologies for absence: Marketa Caravolas, Anne Castles, Fred Morrison, Stephen Petrill
Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes of 2007 (Prague) Board Meeting
It was also agreed that in future minutes would be formally approved by e-mail rather than waiting for the next Board meeting a year later.
Report from the Editor of Scientific Studies of Reading (see Appendix A)
Charles reported that submissions had increased, providing enough material for 6 issues per year and making the appointment of an Associate Editor essential. Dick, as chair of the Publications Committee had asked the Committee about this by e-mail, and they had approved. Charles will proceed to nominate an Associate Editor to the Publications Committee. (Action CH)
Discussion ensued about the $10,000 honorarium for the Editor. Charles indicated that this was provided by the Publisher to the Society who then transferred it to the Editor. Charles said that he would inquire whether an additional amount would be provided to the Associate Editor. Charles suggested that the Society should be better funded by the Publisher. (Action CH)
Charles asked the Board to consider whether review processes should be changed, specifically so that reviewers would be aware of the authors’ identities. Pros and cons were debated. It was observed that the web-based submission system Scholar One would solve some of the problems, and some members expressed concern that providing authors’ names to reviewers could disadvantage some authors, especially junior authors. It was decided to leave this issue to the next Editor.
Charles reminded the Board that his term of office ends in March 2009 and that it is time for the Publications committee to start searching for a new Editor. (Action RO)
Matters Arising
Administrative support to Program Committee
Hugh reported that he had discussed administrative support with Darlene. He thought things had worked well this year, but found many issues difficult to hand over to an administrative assistant. He thought the on-line submission system had worked well.
Maggie and Charles argued in favour of a part-time long-term administrative person, perhaps a junior faculty member who would serve a five-year term, provide continuity, and be the “institutional memory” of the organisation. Charles suggested the example of the honorary secretary of the British Experimental Psychology Society.
It was agreed to continue discussion of this issue by e-mail. (Action ALL)
2007 Conference; report on costs
Maggie reported that there had been there had been a dispute in Prague about extra charges for drinks (5000 euros), which had been settled with a compromise (50%). She made the point that conference organisers need to be certain about what is included in the agreed costs and what is not. This information needs to be passed on to all future conference organisers.
Maggie suggested it was important to reconcile the conference budget each year to facilitate future planning.
It was hoped to provide a detailed analysis of the Prague conference costs. (Action HC/SP)
Reduced fees
Regarding reduced fees for members from developing countries, Maggie indicated that further discussion of this should await more detailed financial information.
It was agreed that the registration fees of the President, the Conference Chair, and the local organiser should be waived by the Society. Hotel costs should normally be covered for the President for 3 nights. In addition, in alternate years, it was proposed that the travel costs of the winner of the Distinguished Scientific Award should be covered. (Action HC/SP)
2008 Conference (see Appendix B)
Hugh reported that here had been 274 submissions, including 19 symposia, 117 spoken papers, and 138 posters. There 375 individuals registered for the conference, including 110 students (180 were going to attend the conference dinner). Because of limited space, conference registration had to be restricted.
Treasurer’s Report (this will be Appendix C)
Stephen was not able to be submit the Treasurer’s report because of unforeseen circumstances. This would be submitted as soon as possible. (Action SP)
Don will ask Larry Erlbaum if he wants to continue on the Investment Committee. This Committee will make proposals to the Board. (Action DC)
2009 Conference
Hugh announced that Nonie Lesaux will be the local organiser in Boston.
The question arose of how to control registrations. Hugh suggested we could have 120 spoken papers and 180 posters in Boston, and as many as 425 registrants. If numbers go beyond this, it will be necessary to restrict registration. It was agreed that first preference will be given to first authors of papers, followed by members of the Society. After a period of several weeks if there are spaces remaining, further registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. (Action HC)
It was suggested that there be multiple conference dinners rather than just one, and that at least one of these should be inexpensive.
Report from International Coordinator (attached – Appendix D)
Marketa was unable to attend but had submitted her report to Maggie who summarised it for the Board. There was considerable discussion of the various proposals.
The Board endorsed Marketa’s recommendation of small student bursaries to support attendance. Maggie will examine how to set these up and advertise them subject to funding. (Action MS/SP)
The Board also agreed with the proposal for a one-day research training workshop for students either before or after the Boston conference. It was suggested that this may take place at a less expensive location in Boston, and that registration may have to be limited, e.g., to 50. Maggie agreed to identify an organiser and senior members to present at this workshop. (Action MS)
The Board asked that the suggestions regarding the Journal and how to increase papers from members of developing countries be sent to the Editor and the Publications Committee. (Action MS)
Report from Awards Committee
Frank reported that there had been 14 applications for the Sandak award, and that the winner was Shelley Xiuli Tong.
Joanne suggested there was need to get a clearer plan for how to evaluate the R. Sandak nominees. The applications this year were inconsistent in terms of inclusion of a statement from the applicant and a CV, as well as letters of support.
The Awards Committee had received five nominations for the Distinguished Scientific Contribution award, and had selected Hollis Scarborough.
Report from Nominations/ Membership Committee
Pieter announced that the Membership Committee had reviewed and approved 7 applications for membership (see Appendix E).
There will be an election of a new Board Member this Fall. Dorit Aram and Cammie McBride-Chang have agreed to stand for election.
Conference sites for 2010 and 2011
Six possible sites were discussed for the 2010 conference: St. Petersburg, Berlin, Zagreb, India, Hong Kong, and Sydney. The Board selected Berlin as its choice. Don Compton had identified a local organiser. The Board asked Don to confirm their suitability and this being the case, to proceed to draft a budget for the meeting. (Action DC)
It was decided to survey the membership regarding the site of the 2011 conference. (Action MS)
Handbook / By-laws
Fred was unable to attend.
Business Meeting
Maggie and John will prepare the agenda.
Date of next meeting
Maggie proposed that the Board should take forward discussion of a number of live issues by e-mail. The first planned ‘e-mail round up’ will be October 9th. It is hoped to agree these minutes and to consider the notes circulated by Maggie after the meeting.
Any other business
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
See attached PDF for additional information on the following:
- Appendix A - SSR Journal Report
- Appendix B - 2008 Conference Report
- Appendix D - International Coordinator Report
- Appendix E - Nominating/Membership Committee Report