What Is Practitioner Day?

Practitioner Day is for educators, SLPs, or other practitioners whose work intersects with literacy and who want to learn more about evidence-based literacy instruction practices, and the applied research that underlies these practices.  

What is the Society for Scientific Study of Reading?

The Society for Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR) is an international society of reading researchers who meet annually to share current research on topics related to reading and writing. Founded in 1994, it is the pre-eminent scientific society for reading research. SSSR 2025 is the Society’s 32nd annual conference.

Would practitioners be interested in attending SSSR 2025?

SSSR 2025 differs from Practitioner Day because it features the full range of reading research. Some of this research is immediately related to classroom practice but much is not. Reading researchers come from education, developmental and cognitive psychology, medicine, public health, and linguistics, among other fields, and you will see contributions from many of these disciplines. While the primary audience for the poster presentations and talks is other researchers, practitioners are welcome to register for SSSR 2025.

What is the cost of Practitioner Day?

The registration fee for Practitioner Day is $100 USD. This includes lunch.  

Please note that if you are a practitioner and you register for SSSR 2025, you may attend Practitioner Day for no charge. In this case, please register for SSSR 2025 here and send a copy of your receipt to Lesly Wade-Woolley at wadewool@ualberta.ca. You will receive a link to a short Google form where we will ask you a few questions to confirm you are a practitioner, and will register you manually.

I’m a practitioner coming from out of town. Is there a conference hotel?

Yes! The conference hotel is the Calgary Marriott Downtown at 110 9 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2G 5A6, with a rate of $239 CAD until June 16, 2025. The hotel reservation link will be available in your confirmation email after registration. If you do not receive your hotel link in your confirmation email, please email scientificstudy.reading@gmail.com.


Your Registration Info
Event Fee(s)
USD Price
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Participant Affiliation